Friday, January 23, 2009

22 Weeks

22 weeks, just iThis is my belly shot at n case anyone wanted to see.
Yes I had my ultrasound, NO we did not find out the sex.


Love, Deborah said...

sexy momma!!

Janet said...

Yay for bellies! I can't believe how big you're getting. Wow time flies.

Merit Badge Mom said...

You look beautiful. I have a feeling this one is a girl.

Jess said...

Oh my heavens! I can't not know the sex of the baby. You're brave. BTW you look awesome.

heidijogoody said...

Cute! Rude that you didn't find out the sex.

Mamaw said...

I love you girl! Let's see a picture every week.

Bradley, DeAnna, Donovan, and Chamae said...

You look so cute! I just looked like a cow when I was pregnant, my whole body was swollen. Do you guys want the gender to be a surprise, or the baby just didn't flash the goods? My theory is, if they don't flash it's probably a girl. They are more modest.

Brooke Bennett said...

You are so flippin cute!

Dani said...

You have an absolutely adoreable pregnant belly! Sad that 22 weeks in I just found out you were pregnant. :) Thank heavens for blogs. LOL

T said...

You're so hot.

You do know, you're not supposed to make other pregnant women feel bad by posting these cute pictures of you...

Because some of us were not so hot pregnant :)

I love you- more belly shots please :)